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Spectro Octave Analyzer 2.0

Spectro Octave Analyzer Spectro Octave Analyzer 2.0

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Spectro Octave Analyzer Publisher's Description

Spectro Octave Analyzer software provides you with the ability to perform octave measurements using your PC or laptop sound card. The program computes, in real-time, the averaged 1 octave and 1/3 octave spectrum recorded by a microphone, connected to the sound card. RMS or peak hold analysis can be performed with linear or exponential averaging, applying the most popular window functions. Butterworth filters are used to estimate the sum of the energy for the octave bands; and A-weighting; B-weighting and C-weighting can be applied to the octave amplitudes. Octave bands are displayed in a bar graph and the overall levels are also calculated. The program also provides cursor tools for precision amplitude analysis. Results can be saved in a text file and imported into a spreadsheet program for additional analysis and presentation. The program supports 16 Bite Rate and the sampling frequency is 44.1 kHz. The software is compatible with Windows 2000/Windows XP.

What's New in Version 2.0 of Spectro Octave Analyzer

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